A company’s critical data must be available when needed. Safeguarding crucial information is of high priority. Information! Everyone’s got it, but where to put it? At Computrex, we can help you take advantage of the information superhighway— safely and efficiently.
Computrex offers storage systems, products, networks and services for fast and ready access to information
In today’s business world, it’s important for all of your key employees to have access to critical company data. Long, unexpected down times are not acceptable.
Computrex can handle this explosion of information by using a networked storage infrastructure in a cost-effective way, providing anytime access to the information needed in today’s business world.
Computrex can simplify data backup to accommodate decreased time allotments for data back-up. By incorporating a sound data backup strategy into a business’ technology plan, the company can protect against unexpected equipment failure.To help businesses implement secure and reliable information storage infrastructures, Computrex offers storage systems, products, networks, and services for fast and ready access to information.
Our standardized or customized product support services are available to install, maintain, maximize a business’ investment and provide a world-class solution for the protection of your enterprise data.