Unexpected IT Expenses…
We all do not appreciate when unexpected expenses appear out of nowhere. This article reflects unexpected personal expenses. I thought it would important to touch base on how frustrating life becomes when you are incurring unexpected IT expenses. We store our passwords, we research, we collect data, we essentially require our hardware and software to be functioning at ALL times so we can find our “data” at our fingertips. We should essentially treat our IT expenses as another cost of surviving or the cost of doing business. Gone are the days we can function without our internet and/or our internet devices. From a business perspective, Computrex Computers can help Small Businesses and Home Customers budget for IT expenses by preventing excessive and costly break fix hours. In fact, our Small Business Customers can have hours included in our fully managed agreement for a flat monthly fee. You can learn more under our AT YOUR BUSINESS Tab. You can schedule a IT Consultation Today!